“Got the mood just right... It is a GIFT, one that can remind people that the best thing to do is listen and provide support and a safe place, and not to judge the victim.”
“Got the mood just right... It is a GIFT, one that can remind people that the best thing to do is listen and provide support and a safe place, and not to judge the victim.”
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie) 
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage )
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Diego Buscaglia (Guy) & Colby Minifie (May)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
  (Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Colby Minifie (May)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Colby Minifie (May) and Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage )
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen Shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen Shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
“Got the mood just right... It is a GIFT, one that can remind people that the best thing to do is listen and provide support and a safe place, and not to judge the victim.”
“Got the mood just right... It is a GIFT, one that can remind people that the best thing to do is listen and provide support and a safe place, and not to judge the victim.”- KIT GRUELLE, Domestic Violence AdvocatePhoto: (Still shot/Promotional Footage) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie) 
(Screen shot/Promotional Footage) Rikke Lylloff (Julie) 
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Promotional Footage) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Promotional Footage) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage )
(Screen shot/Promotional Footage)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Diego Buscaglia (Guy) & Colby Minifie (May)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Diego Buscaglia (Guy) & Colby Minifie (May)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
  (Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Colby Minifie (May)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Colby Minifie (May)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Colby Minifie (May) and Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Colby Minifie (May) and Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Promotional Footage )
(Screen shot/Promotional Footage)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen shot/Principal Shoot) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen Shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen Shot/Principal Shoot) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
 ( Screen Shot/Principal Shoot ) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
(Screen Shot/Principal Shoot) Rikke Lylloff (Julie)
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